International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Reliability and Consistency: Key Issues for Advanced Thermal Spray Applications

Reliability and Consistency: Key Issues for Advanced Thermal Spray Applications

Tuesday, May 5, 2009: 8:00 AM
Laughlin I (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Dr. Christian Moreau , National Research Council Canada (CNRC-NRC), Boucherville,, QC, Canada
With the rapid economic development in China, Chinese thermal spray industry faced a great chance and challenge, especially in the important market, such as aerospace, aircraft, iron & steel, petroleum, anti-corrosion construction, power, shipping, machinery, light industry, textile, paper & printing, etc. Meanwhile, there are lots of new technologies & applications have got broad spreaded in China, such as HVOF, Plasma, Arc, Laser treated coatings, nanopowders, etc, which are widely used in steel, machinery, gas turbine, CFB Boiler, wind generators, cars, steel construction, etc. This report try to present full image of current important market of Chinese thermal spray industry last 5 years; and more emphatically, to discuss the new trend of thermal spray applications in China, and how to cooperate with partners in China