International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Nanotuned Oxides for Improved Wear and Corrosion Resistance

Nanotuned Oxides for Improved Wear and Corrosion Resistance

Tuesday, May 5, 2009: 1:50 PM
Virginia City II (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Mr. Jari Knuuttila , Millidyne Oy, Tampere, Finland
Nanostructured powders and coatings have shown a great promise in
solving ever increasing demands for higher wear and corrosion
resistance. New applications are sought and powder and coating
parameters are being optimized. When developing and producing nanostructured powders,
several issues have to be taken into account: cost/benefit analysis,
production strategies and health issues to name a few. In this
presentation a review for nanostructured oxide powders and coatings is given and
new results for nanotuned and nanostructured oxide powders and respective coatings are presented.