International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Modeling and Diagnostics II: Modeling

Modeling and Diagnostics II: Modeling

Wednesday, May 6, 2009: 10:30 AM-1:50 PM
Laughlin II (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Session Chairs:
Dr. Christian Moreau and Mr. A. Vardelle
10:30 AM
The Role of Substrate Surface Chemistry On Splat Formation During Plasma Spray Deposition by Experiments and Simulations
Ms. Anh T. T. Tran, The University of Auckland; Margaret M. Hyland, The University of Auckland
10:50 AM
Estimation of Molten Content of the Spray Stream from Analysis of Experimental Particle Diagnostics
Dr. Vasudevan Srinivasan, Center for Thermal Spray Research; Prof. Sanjay Sampath, Center for Thermal Spray Research
11:10 AM
A Study on Arc Instability Phenomena of a Hollow Cathode Plasma Torch in a Low Pressure Environment
Mr. Jovan Stanisic, The University of Michigan; Jelena Stanisic, The University of Michigan; Asha George, The University of Michigan; Pravansu Mohanty, The University of Michigan
11:30 AM
Numerical Model for Liquid Precursor Injection and Break-up Under Plasma Spray Conditions
Dr. Cecile Marchand, University of Limoges; Dr. Gilles Mariaux, University of Limoges; Prof. Michel Vardelle, University of Limoges; Prof. Armelle Vardelle, University of Limoges
11:50 AM
Modeling and Control of a New Spray Process Combining Plasma and HVOF
Dr. Bernardo Martinez, University of Limoges; Dr. Gilles Mariaux, University of Limoges; Prof. Armelle Vardelle, University of Limoges; Mr. G. Barykin, INASMET TECNICALIA; Dr. Maria Parco, INASMET TECNICALIA
12:10 PM