International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Technology Advances in Thermal Spray for New & Existing Markets

Technology Advances in Thermal Spray for New & Existing Markets

Thursday, May 7, 2009

9:00 AM-10:30 AM

Technology Advances in Industrial Applications- 1
Session Chair: Dr. Shingo Hirose and Prof. Ghislain MONTAVON

10:30 AM-12:10 PM

Technology Advances in Industrial Applications - 2
Session Chair: Prof. Tom W. Coyle and Prof. Kazuhiro Ogawa

1:50 PM-3:10 PM

Thermally Sprayed Coatings for Energy Conversion Systems
Session Chair: Prof. Yongho Sohn and Dr. Hans-Michael Höhle

3:40 PM-5:00 PM

Upcoming Application Fields
Session Chair: Dr. Mario Tului, Prof. Lech Pawlowski and Prof. Sanjay Sampath