By applying up to five passes under more sophisticated spray parameters, Ti2AlC - coatings with thicknesses of about 50 to 80 µm can be achieved. Coatings analysis was performed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. XRD analysis of the coating proves that the crystallographic structure of the feedstock can be retained during cold spraying. The coating microstructures show rather low porosity, but several cracks between spray layers. Successful build-up of more than one monolayer can probably be attributed to internal deformation and occurring shear instabilities within the highly anisotropic Ti2AlC – phase. The final coating is textured, which is probably due to distinct gliding systems of the nano-laminated MAX powder.
So far, attainable properties of cold sprayed MAX coatings are still strongly influenced by defects, in particular cracks. Further experiments are under investigation to improve coating microstructures and performance. Nevertheless, the first successful deposition of MAX–phases by cold spraying is very encouraging in view of applications.