TC2.1 Upcoming Global Opportunities and Challenges in the Thermal Spray Industry

Wednesday, May 23, 2012: 10:30 AM
Lanier Grand Ballroom (Hilton Americas Houston )
Mr. Mitch Dorfman , Sulzer Metco (US) Inc., Westbury, NY
The overall global Thermal Spray market takes into account materials, equipment consumables, as well as coating services.  Approximately 60% of this total is based on Aerospace and Industrial gas Turbine (IGT) business. The remaining 40% is distributed over a large number of applications in the industrial markets such as Oil and gas, Biomedical, Pulp and Paper and Electronics. Clearly, there is tremendous opportunity for growth of TS industry in markets outside of Aerospace and IGT. The cost-effectiveness of the TS process makes it all the more attractive in challenging economic times.  Previous ITSC events called for our leaders to develop new and creative ways to expand opportunities by developing new applications and markets for thermal spray technology and complimentary surface engineering processes. The challenges (and opportunities) in the years ahead will be finding ways to grow the TS industry in an environmentally more conscious world having ever increasing demand for energy as the world population grows and countries with rapidly increasing economies emerge. Can or will thermal spray technology play a bigger role in the years ahead?

This plenary talk will discuss various ways Industry, Government, Academia and Professional Societies are working together to address this “call to action”. Topics of discussion in this plenary talk are: 1) Technology Outreach; 2) need for quicker Application growth by leveraging successes; 3) T/S Young Professional Outreach and Growth; 4) Responsibilities of TSS leadership for T/S Professional Growth; 5) Increased Global Exposure: Reciprocal programs through trade and professional society alliances; 6) Enhanced value proposition of Professional Societies through new products and services); and 7) Globalized environmental-economic-political impact on supply chains, technological advancement and business growth.