Wednesday, May 23, 2012: 1:40 PM
Room 336 AB (Hilton Americas Houston )
Stripping systems for thermal spray coatings tend to use many hazardous acids which require critical safety procedures and produce heavy volumes of environmentally unfriendly waste streams. A new patented technology (filed under application numbers 2009/0120804A1.pdf and 2009/0229636A1.pdf) has been created using a very safe and environmentally friendly percarbonate based chemical system with minimal DC rectified voltage that safely strips many coatings such as WCCo and CrC-NiCr from substrates such as Ti 6-4, IN718, Rene 41, and high strength steel. Both plasma and HVOF coatings can be stripped with this process in the pH 10-12 range. The system can also be combined with a refining system that purifies the waste water and condenses the coating sludge into a condensed volume, eliminating the tremendous volume of waste chemicals. Case studies and actual stripping data will be presented and discussed.