TC3.1 Technology and Industrial Application Transfer in International Markets – A Model for Profit

Wednesday, May 23, 2012: 11:30 AM
Lanier Grand Ballroom (Hilton Americas Houston )
Dr. Bryan Allcock , Monitor Coatings Ltd. , North Shields NE , United Kingdom
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how a generic model, which describes the distribution of protected technology and intellectual property in such coating applications as the steel making industry; the oil industry sector; aerospace and industrial gas turbine technology and applications for alternative energy coatings, can be exploited without geographical boundaries.  Monitor’s experience with 3 international subsidiaries and 8 operational technology transfer partners, representing over 30 companies in 14 countries; have developed technology and industrial application sharing across an international market place.  Experience shows the need for constant regeneration of the technology pool, achieved through international collaborative and customer driven research and development; together with a means for distributing the technology and its industrial applications.  The results are presented through a number of practical examples demonstrating the benefits of technology transfer in international markets including how, collectively, the Group is the single biggest consumer of thermally sprayed tungsten carbide cermet derivatives in the world.