Application - Session II

Tuesday, May 14, 2013: 2:00 PM-3:40 PM
C102 (Busan Exhibition and Convention Center)
Session Chairs:
Mr. John Hayden and Dr. Mahnaz Jahedi
2:00 PM
High-Pressure Cold-Sprayed Ni and Ni-Cu Coatings - Improved Structures and Corrosion Properties
Dr. Heli Koivuluoto, Tampere University of Technology; Andrea Milanti, Tampere University of Technology; Giovanni Bolelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Luca Lusvarghi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Petri Vuoristo, Tampere University of Technology
2:20 PM
Cold Sprayed Metallic Coatings of Polymer- Based Composite: Possibilities and Challenges
Dr. Mohammed Yandouzi, University of Ottawa (uOttawa); Mr. Leon Guodl, University of ottawa; Dr. Bertrand Jodoin, University of Ottawa; Dr. Stephen Gaydos, Boeing
2:40 PM
Lay-up Moulding of A Polymer-Composite Material Onto A Metallic Layer Sprayed Using Cold Spray
Mr. Ruben Fernandez, University of Ottawa; Dr. Bertrand Jodoin, University of Ottawa
3:00 PM
Fundamental Cost Analysis of Cold Spray
Dr. Oliver Stier, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
3:20 PM
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Cold Sprayed Ni-Al2O3 Composite Coating
Dr. Chunjie Huang, Northwestern Polytechnical University; Prof. Wen-Ya Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University; Dr. Min Yu, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard; Prof. Hanlin Liao, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
3:40 PM
See more of: Cold Spray