Examination of the thermal stability of plasma-sprayed La2Ce2O7/YSZ composite coating
Examination of the thermal stability of plasma-sprayed La2Ce2O7/YSZ composite coating
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Exhibit Halls A&B (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
LCO (La2Ce2O7) is a promising TBCs material. However, it is necessary to use LCO as a top coat on YSZ to construct a multilayer TBC due to its poor mechanical properties. In this paper, the 50LCO-50YSZ composite coating was deposited using blend powders of YSZ and LCO. The LCO/YSZ deposits were exposed at high temperature for different durations. Results indicated that the stability of LCO splat and chemical compatibility of LCO/YSZ is significantly influenced by the LCO splat composition. At an exposure temperature of 1300°C, it was observed that some LZO splats in contact with YSZ splats experienced the grain morphology change from columnar one to equiaxed grains with interface healing and however some grains tended to disappear with thermal exposure. The evolution behavior of different splats in LCO/YSZ coating is studied based on the effect of Ce/La ratio on the chemical stability of LCO and LCO/YSZ interface.