d Oxygen Transport Membranes on Porous Metallic Supports: Controlling Stress State and Phase Composition">

Plasma Spray-Physical Vapor Deposition of La1-xSrxCoyFe1-yO3-d Oxygen Transport Membranes on Porous Metallic Supports: Controlling Stress State and Phase Composition

Wednesday, May 13, 2015: 9:20 AM
Room 101A (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
Dr. Diana A Marcano , Forschungszentrum J�lich GmbH, J�lich, Germany
Dr. Georg Mauer , Forschungszentrum J�lich GmbH, J�lich, Germany
Dr. Yoo J. Sohn , Forschungszentrum J�lich GmbH, J�lich, Germany
Prof. Robert Va�en , Forschungszentrum J�lich GmbH, J�lich, Germany
Mr. Julio G. Fayos , Universidad Politecnica, Valencia, Spain
Dr. Jose M. Serra , Universidad Politecnica, Valencia, Spain
La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3, deposited on a metallic porous support by means Plasma Spray-Physical Vapor Deposition (PS-PVD) is a promising candidate for oxygen-permeation membranes. However, after O2 permeation tests, membranes show vertical cracks leading to leakage. In this work, a feature leading to crack formation has been identified. Specifically:  Membrane residual stress changes during thermal loading are found to be related to a phase transformation in the support. In order to improve membrane performance; the support has been optimized by applying an appropriate heat treatment. Additionally, it has been found that coatings deposited at lower oxygen partial pressures consist of 75% cubic and 25% orthorhombic phases probably in a non-equilibrium state due to fast quenching during spraying. Due to non-stoichiometry, which drives formation of non-perovskite phases during annealing, membrane stability and ionic conductivity are affected. The oxygen amount used during spraying can be used to suppress the cubic to tetragonal phase transformation.
See more of: Energy 3
See more of: Thermal Spray Applications