Analysis of Thermal Spraying in the Industries of Western Canada

Monday, May 11, 2015: 8:00 AM
Room 101A (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
Dr. André McDonald , University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Market studies on the thermal spraying industry have focused heavily on the general global market or on niche markets in the aerospace, automotive, and/or heavy equipment sectors. Currently, there are limited studies that have focused on niche markets outside of the aerospace and automotive sectors that are specific to the sectors in Western Canada. The overarching goal of this presentation is to provide a technical market analysis of thermal spraying in the mining and oil and gas industries of Western Canada. The features of the presentation will include basic information on the major thermal spraying processes in the region, an overview of the global thermal spraying market, the thermal spray market and opportunities for thermal spraying in Western Canada, and emerging technologies and research in thermal spraying that may have direct applications in the mining and Oil & Gas industries of the region.
See more of: Corrosion 1
See more of: Thermal Spray Applications