Anisotropic Response Of Cold Sprayed Copper Deposits

Monday, May 7, 2018: 11:50 AM
Tampa 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Dr. Kang Yang , Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China
Prof. Wenya Li , Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China

Anisotropic response of cold sprayed copper deposits


Cold spray (CS) has gained developing attentions as a versatile solid-state coating and additive manufacturing technique. Because the impact direction and velocity determine the particle deformation behavior, there is anisotropy in the final cold sprayed deposits. Moreover, with the increase of cold sprayed deposit thickness, the anisotropy becomes more pronounced. However, only a limited number of papers have focused on the anisotropy. In this study, the anisotropic behaviors of the cold sprayed copper deposits were investigated. It is revealed that there exist strong microstructural and mechanical anisotropies in cold sprayed deposits. Differential interparticle interaction results in more severe particle impact deformation in p-face than v-face. The tensile tests show an unexpected anisotropy in both ultimate tensile strength and elongation. The in-plane tensile anisotropy can be attributed to the interfaces between spraying passes, which affect the tensile property in a negative manner. Additionally, post-spray heat treatment and weave-spraying were employed to modify the in-plane tensile anisotropy, which shows a great improvement on tensile anisotropy of cold sprayed copper deposits.

Keywords: Anisotropic response; Cold spray; Tensile property; Interfaces; Heat treatment; Weave-spraying

See more of: Cold Spray Processing
See more of: Fundamentals / R&D