Influence of Spray Pattern on Residual Stresses and Coating Properties of Arc-Sprayed Aluminum Bronzes Sprayed with Different Gas Mixtures

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: 9:40 AM
Sarasota 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Michél Hauer , Fraunhofer Research Institution for Large Structures in Production Engineering IGP, Rostock, Germany
Mr. Richard Banaschik , Fraunhofer Research Institution for Large Structures in Production Engineering IGP, Rostock, Germany
Mr. Werner Kroemmer , Linde Gas Headquarters, Unterschleissheim, Germany
Prof. Knuth Michael Henkel , Faculty for Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Previous own works showed the negative effects of air as pressurizing gas regarding the cavitation erosion resistance of arc-sprayed aluminum bronze coatings due to oxidation and tensile residual stresses. Furthermore, coatings sprayed with a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen revealed superior coating qualities. A meander-shaped spray pattern was used in the aforementioned studies.

However, other publications reveal, that a spiral-shaped spray pattern positively influences heat transfer during the spray process and thus also coating properties. Hence, the alloys CuAl9Ni5Fe4Mn and CuMn13Al8Fe3Ni2 were arc-sprayed with a spiral-shaped pattern in this work, using both pressurized air and a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen.

Process temperatures were recorded by thermographic imaging and residual stresses were measured by modified hole-drilling method using ESPI. Moreover, analyses of the cavitation erosion behavior and other properties were carried out. The results of this study are compared to the corresponding previous works with a meander-shaped spray pattern.