Thermal Nanoparticles Spraying of Fine Ceramic Layers

Monday, May 7, 2018: 8:00 AM
Sarasota 1-2 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Prof. Soshu Kirihara , Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan
Mr. Shoichiro Kisanuki , Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan
A new method of thermal nanoparticle spraying was developed for the deposition of fine ceramics layers with high deposition rates. The nanometer-sized particles were dispersed into liquid resins at about half volume fractions and the obtained high-viscosity slurry was blown as micromist into an hydrogen gas flame spray. Microstructures and the residual carbon elements produced by imperfect combustions of the liquid resin were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and X ray diffraction spectroscopy. Effective dielectric constants of the ceramics layers were measured successfully to calculate the porosities of air defects volume contents by time domain spectroscopy of terahertz electromagnetic waves. The microstructural modulations of coated layers via control of the spraying parameters are discussed.