Technology advancements for coating of internal diameters

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: 10:50 AM
Sarasota 1-2 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Jonathan Gutleber , Oerlikon Metco (US) Inc., Westbury, NY
Dr. Dianying Chen , Oerlikon Metco (US) Inc., Westbury, NY
Mr. Riston Rocchio-Heller , Oerlikon Metco (US) Inc., Westbury, NY
Mr. Christian Bohnheio , Oerlikon Metco AG (Switzerland), Wohlen, Switzerland
Coating of internal diameters and surfaces has long been a capability of thermal spray technology. New developments concerning spraying of internal diameters have been achieved and will be discussed across several key application areas including automotive, industrial wear and power generation. In addition to the prospect of new applications, these technology developments can also improve productivity and reduce cost increasing their attractiveness, whilst in other areas the benefits are improved quality and performance which can increase lifetime. Focus areas include high speed rotating plasma spray for cylinder bores, ID-HVOF spraying (?115 mm) and segmented TBC deposition on internal diameters using cascaded arc plasma spray technology.