Electrical Properties of Dense Al2O3 Coating Prepared by SPS Process

Thursday, May 10, 2018: 9:20 AM
Tampa 2 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Hiroyuki ibe , Fujimi Incorporated, Kakamigahara, Gifu Pref., Japan
Electrical Properties of Dense Al2O3 Coating Prepared by SPS Process.

Hiroyuki Ibe, Takaya Masuda, Kazuto Sato, Nobuaki Kato

Al2O3 coatings obtained by the plasma spraying is applied for application to application utilizing the electrical insulation properties of such electronics devise manufacturing equipment components. In recent years, it has been reported that dense Al2O3 coatings with excellent electrical properties can be obtained by suspension plasma spraying (SPS). From past studies, it is cleared that functional properties and characteristics of coating were strongly affected by SPS conditions. For example, ratio of θtype Al2O3 was much different by SPS conditions. On the other hand, functional properties were not correlated with coating properties on Al2O3 SPS coating. It is obvious that detailed understanding of phenomenon is necessary to advance Al2O3 coating technology. In this study, several SPS factors such as in-flight particle property, splat property and coating property were investigated in order to understand SPS phenomenon.