Fabrication of thermoelectric device using plasma spray technology as additive manufacturing process

Wednesday, May 9, 2018: 9:20 AM
Sarasota 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Hwasoo Lee , Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Prof. Sanjay Sampath , Center for Thermal Spray Research, Stony Brook University, Stony, NY
Conventional thermoelectric devices are fabricated as separate components and then integrated by mechanical attachment into the engineering systems. There is, however, an interest and opportunity to manufacture the thermoelectric device and basic electronics directly onto engineering structures. Recent studies have shown that plasma spray synthesized sub-stoichiometric titanium oxide deposits show reasonable thermoelectric figure-of-merit. They can be easily and cost-effectively deposited onto both planar and cylindrical substrates over large areas with the capability to produce patterned and multilayer assemblies to optimize power harvesting. This research demonstrates the fabrication and performance of such thermoelectric generators based on n-type TiO2-x and Ni as the surrogate p-type and interconnects structures embedded within ceramic deposits. The methodologies described embody a possible pathway for large-scale manufacture of the thermoelectric system directly on waste heat systems over large areas.