Microstructure Characterization of Boron Nitride Cermet Abradable Seal Coating after Controlled Exposure to a High Temperature

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: 4:00 PM
Exhibit Halls A-E (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Ms. Dan Guo , Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Mrs. Suyuan Yang , Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Mr. Xingwang Cheng , Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Dr. Jianming Liu , Beijing General Research Institute of Mingning & Metellurgy (BGRIMM), Beijing, China
The microstructural features and oxidation behavior of a boron nitride cermet abradable seal coating, prepared by flame spray, were investigated after exposure to 1023K. The microstructure was analyzed by SEM, EDS, XRD and EPMA. The results show that, there forms Al2O3 firstly and forms Cr2O3 after 6h near pores in the coatings. After 1000h, a large amount of Chromium-rich phases in the coatings are observed and characterized. With exposure time increasing, the porosity of the seal coating decreases and the oxides percentage increases.