Polymer Coatings and Nanomaterial Coatings

Wednesday, May 26, 2021: 9:30 AM-10:15 AM
Dr. Heli Koivuluoto, Tampere University and Mr. Edward J. Gildersleeve V, Ph.D. Candidate, Stony Brook University
9:30 AM
Exposure to nanoparticles in thermal spraying - Vigilance towards the operator and the outside environment
Dr. Geoffrey Darut, UBFC, ICB-PMDM-LERMPS UMR6303; Mr. Sebastien Dieu, INERIS; Mr. Laurent Meunier, INERIS; Mr. Alexis Vignes, INERIS; Mr. Benoit Schnuriger, INERIS; Mr. Martin Morgeneyer, UTC; Mr. Fabrice Lezzier, APS Coatings; Mr. Franck Devestel, Phosphoris MP-Filter; Mr. Alexis Vion, BV Proto; Mrs. Cathy Berguery, TOYAL; Mr. Julien Roquette, Blue Industry and Science; Mr. Olivier Le Bihan, INERIS
9:45 AM
Durability of Lubricated Icephobic Coatings under Multiple Icing/Deicing Cycles
Ms. Valentina Donadei, Tampere University; Dr. Heli Koivuluoto, Tampere University; Prof. Essi Sarlin, Tampere University; Prof. Petri Vuoristo, Tampere University
10:00 AM
Extremely high deposition efficiency of robust and super-hydrophobic fluoropolymer coating on a metallic intermediate layer by low-pressure cold spray
Dr. Wesley Lock Sulen, Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia, Ministry of Human Resources; Dr. Hiroki Saito, Tohoku University; Dr. Chrystelle A. Bernard, Tohoku University; Prof. Yuji Ichikawa, Tohoku University; Prof. Kazuhiro Ogawa, Tohoku University