Elaboration and properties of ZrO2-Y2O3 coatings at room temperature by Aerosol Deposition Method (ADM)

Thursday, May 25, 2023: 9:00 AM
301B (Quebec City Convention Centre)
Mr. Thomas Pere , CTTC - Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics, Limoges, France, University of Limoges, Limoges, France
Dr. Alain Denoirjean , University of Limoges, Limoges, France
Dr. Fabrice Rossignol , University of Limoges, Limoges, France
Mrs. Laurence Boyer , CTTC - Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics, Limoges, France
Dr. Olivier Durand , CTTC - Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics, Limoges, France
Discovered and developed in the 90s by J. Akedo et al., the « Aerosol Deposition Method » (ADM) is a dry coating process based on kinetic energy. The unique deposition mechanisms of ADM make the ceramic coatings at room temperature possible. Indeed, adherent layers are achievable thanks to a phenomenon that combines plastic-elastic deformation and in-situ grain fragmentation of ceramic particles called « Room Temperature Impact Consolidation » (RTIC). Thus, resulting nanostructured coatings of the ADM can be highly dense, with a thickness from few hundreds of nm to hundred of µm, in a low vacuum environment and at room temperature from a dry ceramic powder.

This talk will focus on the fabrication of ZrO2-Y2O3 materials at room temperature by ADM. To do so, a spotlight on the powders sprayed and their characteristics will be presented. On a second part, different coating obtained, and their properties will be highlighted (microstructure, hardness, adherence etc.) from the suitable powders. Based on the previous results and the promises of this kinetic spray for ceramics, the final part will provide a comparison of the ADM through the zirconia material with other well-known spraying techniques and the upcoming challenges both in industrial and scientific fields.