Online Monitoring of Cold Spray AM Process

Thursday, May 25, 2023: 9:00 AM
303A (Quebec City Convention Centre)
Dr. Jussi Larjo , Oseir Ltd., Tampere, Finland
Mr. Leonhard Holzgassner , Impact Innovations, Rattenkirchen, Germany
Cold spray additive manufacturing (AM) is a promising technology for crafting complex parts and advanced materials with high production rate and cost efficiency. However, the practical implementation of cold spray based AM presents a challenge due to relatively long processing times. Subsequently, there are strict requirements for reliability of the equipment and maintaining uniform spray properties continuously over the duration of the AM process.
Existing spray particle sensor hardware has not offered a solution for in-process monitoring of a cold spray process. We present a first implementation of online spray sensor with the capability of measuring cold spray plume properties continuously during the AM process. The sensor provides a data stream comprising spray particle velocity and density information and derived properties related to plume dimensions, uniformity and symmetry. The data can be used for adjusting the spray parameters or pausing the AM process for anomaly correction as needed.