Formation of AlSiCCr columnar medium-entropy coating via aluminizing of Cr3C2 25NiCr HVOF coating

Monday, May 22, 2023: 11:10 AM
301B (Quebec City Convention Centre)
Mr. Andre Renan Mayer , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Germany
Mr. Willian Oliveira , Hipolito D.C. Fals, Parana, Brazil
Dr. Luciano Augusto Lourençato , Universidade Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, Brazil
Dr. Anderson Geraldo Marenda Pukasiewicz , Federal University of Technology Paraná UTFPR, Ponta Grossa, Brazil
There are several challenges when designing components exposed to harsh
environments. Cases such as hydraulic turbines and marine propellers are classic
examples of demands for materials capable of withstanding erosion and corrosion wear.
In order to enhance and recover worn surfaces, it is usual the use of coatings. This study
proposes a new series of coatings based on diffusional effects observed for thermally
sprayed chromium carbide coating. A columnar morphology was observed, due to the
diffusional gradient perpendicular to the surface. The coating has also shown an absence
of porosity and peculiar mechanical resistance. As result, a remarkable cavitation erosion
resistance was observed along with an increase in corrosion resistance.