Functional Coatings I

Monday, May 22, 2023: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
303A (Quebec City Convention Centre)
Dr. Heli Koivuluoto, Tampere Institute for Advanced Study, Tampere University and Dr. Andrew Vackel, Sandia National Laboratories
9:00 AM
Development of AlN-Al2O3 composite coatings via high velocity suspension flame spraying (HVSFS)
Mrs. Ebru Gyoktepeliler Akin, University of Stuttgart; Mr. Matthias Blum, University of Stuttgart; Prof. Andreas Killinger, University of Stuttgart
9:20 AM
Printed thermal sensors for harsh environment by plasma spray
Dr. Florin-D. Duminica, CRM Group; Dr. Philippe Guaino, CRM Group; Dr. Muthu Karuppasamy, CRM Group
9:40 AM
Electromechanical Behaviour of Bi-layer Coating Deposited through Thermal Spray Processes on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites
Mr. Adekunle Ogunbadejo, University of Alberta; Dr. Ramgopal varma Ramaraju, University of Toronto; Prof. Sanjeev Chandra, PhD, PEng, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT), University of Toronto; Dr. André McDonald, University of Alberta
10:00 AM