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Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 1:30 PM
SES 5A.1

Lead Presentation: Small Technologies: Big Opportunities for Healthcare

T. A. Michalske, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM

Micro-scale technologies including fluidic systems, MEMS, and integrated sensors offer the potential to radically change our approach to healthcare by combining detection, diagnosis, and treatment in complete integrated systems. While the vision for fully integrated micro-scale medical devices is still in the future, the impact of microsystems on genetic, proteomic, and biochemical analysis is here today. The success of today’s medical microdevices and potential for the future are closely linked to our ability to integrate nano-scale materials and structures within microfabricated devices. In this presentation, I will address some of the opportunities and challenges associated with combining micro- and nanotechnology to develop the next generation of medical devices.