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Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 3:30 PM
SES 6B.1

Development of Beta Titanium Alloys with Low Young's Modulus

S. Hanada, T. Ozaki, H. Matsumoto, S. Watanabe, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Development of biocompatible Ti alloys with low Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity) is demanded for orthopaedic implants. Young's modulus of beta phase Ti-Nb binary alloys was measured as a function of composition along with microstructural observations. Young's modulus of solution treated and quenched alloys exhibits a minimum value of 62 GPa for Ti-42wt.%Nb. Transmission electron microscopy indicates that athermal omega transformation is induced in unstable beta alloys, and the minimum in Young's modulus appears at a composition where athermal omega transformation is suppressed by quenching, as alloying content is increased. Based on the obtained results on the binary alloys, ternary additions to Ti-Nb were investigated to further decrease Young's modulus. It is found that Sn and O additions suppress omega transformation and Young's modulus of solution treated and quenched alloys is decreased to about 50 GPa by optimizing compositions in Ti-Nb-Sn and Ti-Nb-O alloys. Composition dependence of Young's modulus will be discussed on basis of the theoretical DV-Xa method.