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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
POST 1.19

CAD-CAM-Technology for Medical Components

D. Brigham, Schutte, LLC, Jackson, MI; W. Saxler, J. Strohmann, T. Simmich, Alfred H. Schuette GmbH, Cologne, Germany

Many medical components contain free form surfaces that need to be machined. This presentation shows the complete process starting from a 3D-Model up to a finished part with a femoral knee as an example. The steps of this process are: CAD-Model, CAM-System, generated tool path, postprocessor, feed commands, NC-Program, manufacturing the part on the machine. NC Technology provides a superior level of accuracy of the component. This will be the upcoming standard in future. When generating a toolpath using a CAM System like Unigraphics, there have to be mentioned some differences between using a grinding wheel or a ball nose cutter. Following a certain strategy the number of the axis that move simultaneously can be as different as the method of postprocessing. The operating procedures for machining a double knee could be grinding, disc cutting, belt grinding, milling and buffing. The tools used in these operations need certain specifications that fit to the enquiries of the medical component. Using a 5-axis tool grinding machine for this kind of application gives the ability to follow almost any shape and therefore a very dynamic movement of all axis is requested. To be flexible about different operating procedures it is an advantage to have the possibility of an automatic tool change. Depending on lot sizes the automation of handling the workpiece has to be adapted. Four different solutions of possible Handling Methods are shown.