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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
POST 1.5

Precision of Fit of the One-Piece Machined Titanium Implant Framework

R. F. Wang, B. R. Lang, M. E. Razzoog, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI

The accuracy of the one-piece machined framework was compared to the cast framework. Data was gathered from five connecting interfaces of the frameworks and the master cast of the oral environment. The data were matched by the traditional centroid method and the newly developed MinGap methods. The MinGap is defined as the minimum gap generated by contact at the edges of the interfacing surfaces of the framework and the master cast. The mean gap size for the machined framework interfaces with the master cast were 0.053 mm when matched by the centroid method, and 0.061 mm by the MinGap method. The cast framework mean gap size was 0.332 mm for the centroid method and 0.150 mm for the MinGap method. The one-piece machined framework fabrication process was a more precise fit than the framework produced by casting. The centroid method of analysis generated more than twice the gap size (0.332 mm) compared with the MinGap method (0.150 mm) for the cast framework.