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Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 9:40 AM
SES 4A.4

Development and Testing of Manufacturable Thin Film TiNi for Medical Devices

A. P. Jardine, Shape Change Technologies LLC, Thousand Oaks, CA

Thin film TiNi has been investigated by a variety of researchers over the past 10 years, however the key of a manufacturable process that can generate consistent yields over the wafer and from batch to batch is of importance. A sputtering technique that can generate consistent yields over the surface of a silicon wafer, as well as generating good batch-to-batch consistency, is now being investigated. After the initial thin film processing, fenestration techniques of the thin films, either in martensitic or superelastic states, has been developed. The mechanical properties of these forms will be reported. Finally, the use of solid thin films as actuators for pumps, such as for drug delivery systems, will be discussed.