R. Ayers, J. J. Moore, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO; D. Burkes, Idaho National Labs, Idaho Falls, ID
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Summary: Bone is a heterogeneous composite where even the inorganic component of calcium phosphate is multiphasic. A biomimetic calcium phosphate should contain multiple phases as well. The synthesis of multiphasic calcium phosphates has been accomplished by two forms of combustions synthesis. The first is Self propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS) and the second is Auto Ignition Combustion Synthesis (AICS). Calcium phosphates synthesized using these methods show increased bone formation response over controls when cultured with SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells. Cells cultured with these materials will synthesize bone-like structures even when conditioned for quiescence. Increased alkaline phosphates expression indicating mineralization and cell metabolism (MTT assay) are seen.