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Monday, September 24, 2007 - 10:40 AM

Etched and Diffusion Bonded Metal Components

R. Hoppe, J. Bjork, VACCO Industries, So. El Monte, CA

In presenting Etching and Diffusion Bonding of Metal Components the authors hope to educate the Materials and Processes for Medical Devices conference audience the possibilities one can use this unique process technique towards achieving their complex component application requirement. 

The manufacturing process capabilities and limitations of producing etched and diffusion bonded metal components will be shared in depth in this hands-on presentation.  From the basic and complex etching parameters to the final diffusion bonded component all process procedures will be shared.  The audience will learn; The basic concept of how Photo Chemical Etching works, What materials can be etched, What limitations are involved in Photo Etching, How Etched product is Diffusion Bonded, What limitations are involved in Bonding Etched product, and Where and How can these Etched and Diffusion Bonded Components be used. 
Using a PowerPoint presentation along with many hands-on samples the authors will present a colorful and entertaining insight to Etched and Diffusion Bonded Components.  The presentation is so formatted that interruptions for questions and answers are encouraged.  The audience will gain a much better understanding of this processing technique and leave with an excitement to find ways to incorporate or share this new knowledge in their next component application development.

Summary: VACCO will present to the conference the techniques, processes, advantages and uses of etched and diffusion bonded metal components. These products are used in a wide variety of industries & criticalities for example: Micro Fluid Channeling Devices, Sound Suppression Devices, Fuel Cells, Cooling Devices, Sensor Devices, Fluid Control Devices, and so forth. The board field that this technique of etching and diffusion bonding has taken shape is very much worth sharing to this group.