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Monday, September 24, 2007 - 1:40 PM

Crystallography Texture and Mechanical Properties of MP35N Wire

B. Li, Medtronic, minneapolis, MN; T. Steigauf, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN

The crystallography texture, a measurement of grain orientation in materials, is a major factor contributing to mechanical properties and performance.  An analytical technique electron-backscattered diffraction (EBSD) developed in 80s is available to analyze small samples with high resolution.  EBSD analysis can reveal materials microstructure characteristics such as grain orientation, texture, grain boundaries, grain size and subgrain size.  These data are difficult to obtain if it not impossible by conventional analytical techniques such as metallography and SEM. 

In this study, texture of four type of MP35N wires (0.007”) were analyzed to compare the difference of texture related with compositions, processes and manufacturers.  The wire texture data was quantified by several texture components and the components were correlated to mechanical property and fatigue performance of wires.  This study demonstrated that wire texture is a link between process and properties.  The texture analysis was performed using an EDAX/TSL OIM system on a FEG SEM.  

Summary: This study of EBSD on MP35N wire demonstrated crystallography texture variation with differenct material process parameters and composition.