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Monday, September 24, 2007 - 2:00 PM

Qualification of Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Ti6Al4V-ELI for Orthopaedic Implant Applications

R. Kircher, A. Christensen, Medical Modeling LLC, Golden, CO; A. Lippincott, Engineering Consulting Services, Prior Lake, MN

 The Electron Beam Melting (EBM) manufacturing process is emerging as an additional method for producing orthopedic devices out of several materials, including Ti6Al4V-ELI. In order for the EBM manufacturing method to be accepted as a viable manufacturing process, it is necessary to evaluate the metallurgical characteristics of products produced by the process.  This work presents the chemical, micro structural and mechanical properties of several tests specimens produced by the EBM process.  The results from the evaluations are compared to the properties of Ti6Al4V materials processed by conventional methods such as investment casting, machining from wrought, or forging.  Th results of the work are promising, and demonstrate that EBM produced Ti6Al4V-ELI material has comparable, and in several cases superior micro structural and mechanical properties than those specified in ASTM F 136 -02a and ASTM F 1108-04.  The microstructure of the material is unique in that it contains characteristics typically observed in investment cast materials, yet is more refined, resulting in superior mechanical behavior.  There are numerous applications where the EBM manufacturing process can provide a cost effective and time saving method of producing orthopedic medical devices.

Summary: Ti6Al4V-ELI material produced by an Electron Beam Melting (EBM) rapid manufacturing process has been evaluated in an effort to compare metallurgical characteristics of the material to the properties typically seen in Ti6Al4V materials produced by more conventional processes.