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Sunday, September 23, 2007 - 4:15 PM

Medical Device Applications of Shape Memory Polymers

D. Maitland, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA

Summary: This paper will review research on the application of shape memory polymers (SMP) to medical devices. Our experience with SMP began with a project to develop an embolic coil release actuator in 1996. Recent progress with the SMP devices include multiple device applications (stroke treatments, stents, other interventional devices), functional animal studies, synthesis and characterization of new SMP materials, in vivo and in vitro biocompatiblity studies and device-tissue interactions for the laser, resistive, or magnetic-field activated actuators. The paper will highlight engineering lessons learned in working with clinicians, the FDA and commercial partners as well as material-specific challenges for successful adoption of SMP as a medical device material.