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Session 5A: Corrosion I
Location: Salon C-E (Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Salon F)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description:

Session Chair:Mr. Nadim Hallab Rush Orthopedics, n/a
9:00 AMElectrochemical Behavior of Cobalt-Chromium Alloys
9:20 AMCorrosion of Nano-hydroxyapatite Coatings on Titanium Alloy Fabricated by Electrophoretic Deposition
9:40 AMBehavior of Nitric Acid and Citric Acid Based Passivation Formulations for Depyrogenation
10:00 AMCorrosion Testing of Nitinol Implants per ASTM F 2129 – Understanding Corrosion and Interpretation of Test Results
10:20 AMVoltage Induced Hydrophilicity in 316L Stainless Steel