15 Surface Engineering of Medical Devices Session I

Wednesday, August 10, 2011: 9:20 AM-10:00 AM
Salon C (Hilton Minneapolis )
Session Chair:
Mr. Dana Medlin
9:20 AM
Bioactive Hybrid Material Surface Treatments for Infection Resistant Implants without Drugs
Dr. John D. Jarrell, BioIntraface; Dr. Phong A. Tran, Rhode Island Hospital; Mr. Christopher Baker, Brown University; Prof. Jeffrey R. Morgan, Brown University; Dr. Roman A. Hayda, Rhode Island Hospital; Dr. Christopher T. Born, Rhode Island Hospital
9:40 AM
Evaluation of Diffusion Hardened Oxidized Zr2.wt%Nb for Hard-on-Hard Articulation in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Mr. Vivek Pawar, Smith and Nephew, Inc.,; Ms. Carolyn Weaver, Smith and Nephew, Inc.,; Mr. Shilesh Jani, Smith and Nephew, Inc.,
10:00 AM
Adsorption Fibronectin and Adhesion of Osteoblast Into Implants
Dr. Carlos Nelson Elias, Military Institute of Engineering; Patricia A. Gravina, Military Institute of Engineering; Dr. Fernando C. Filho, Instituto de Biofísica