D. R. Hardy |
M. A. Rigdon |
N. Moody |
R. H. Jones |
T. Coffey |
T. Marechaux |
Sponsored by:
ASM Technical Programming Board
ASM Advisory Technical Awareness Council
ASM Materials Science Critical Technologies Sector
Availability and use of energy is at the heart of our economy and singularly defines the health of our society. Global consumption of energy, primarily provided by liquid fuels, is growing at a staggering rate, leading to the highest surge in energy demand in human history.
The warning is very clear that availability of oil and natural gas will peak in a very few years, leading to catastrophic consequences. Following a presidential initiative, a major effort is in progress to meet the needs of large-scale production, distribution and use in support of hydrogen as the premier alternate energy, and to reduce dependence on imported oil while minimizing pollution and greenhouse gas emission.
The ASM symposia on this topic (and others related to storage of hydrogen and conversion to electrical energy) will address a number of materials and design issues by technology experts, with emphasis on current status and future challenges.