V. A. Sadykov, V. N. Parmon, I. A. Zolotarskii, V. A. Sobyanin, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia; A. P. Khristolyubov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center -All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia; S. Neophytides, Institute of Chemical Engineering &High Temperature Processes, Patras, Greece
Monolithic catalysts based upon nanostructured metal-oxide active components on heat – and electric current- conducting monolithic substrates were designed. The active components are comprised of ceria-based complex oxides with a high oxygen mobility and optimized reactivity promoted by Pt, Ru, Ni or their combination. Monolithic substrates are made of refractory alloy foil/microchannel plates or microchannel cermets. For a given fuel (natural gas, isooctane, gasoline) and a type of reforming process (selective oxidation by the oxygen of air, autothermal or steam reforming), the composition of the active component and support properties are tuned. At operation temperatures in the range of 800-1100 C and short contact times, catalysts ensure the equilibrium composition of reformate being stable to coking, sintering and thermal shocks. Rapid (within minutes) start-up is easily ensured by passing the electric current. No deterioration of the catalysts performance with time-on-stream was observed. Support of Projects ISTC 2529, INTAS 01-2162, Integration Projects 39 and 110 of SB RAS is gratefully acknowledged.
Summary: Monolithic catalysts based upon nanostructured metal-oxide active components on heat and electric current –conducting monolithic substrates were designed. High and stable performance in selective oxidation and autothermal reforming of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuels is demonstrated. Support of ISTC 2529, INTAS 01-2162 and IP SB RAS 39 Projects is acknowledged.