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Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 2:00 PM
PHA 3.1

A CALPHAD Database for the Prediction of Liquidus Temperatures for Fe-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses

C. J. Kuehmann, J. A. Wright, W. Huang, QuesTek Innovations LLC, Evanston, IL

In the development of useful bulk metallic glass forming alloys, a critical requirement is to achieve a high reduced glass transition temperature, the ratio of glass transition temperature to the liquidus temperature. In the computational design of such alloys it is imperative to be able to quantitatively predict the liquidus temperature accurately, specifically in regions of strong eutectics where the liquidus may be depressed such as in the presence of strong eutectics. In the development of Fe bulk metallic glasses, the systems of interest typically include metalloids such as B and elements that form strong bonds with these metalloids. Such compositions form strong associates in the liquid phase and this must be considered in order to adequately predict liquidus temperatures. The development of a thermodynamic database for the prediction of liquidus temperature of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses will be presented and its use in the optimization of glass forming compositions will be discussed.

Summary: In the development of bulk metallic glasses the liquidus temperature is an important parameter in assessing glass formability. A CALPHAD approach to prediction of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses has been accomplished. The inclusion of associate models to describe the liquid thermodynamics in regions near strong eutectics is of particular importance.