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Session 3: Tribute to Prof. Glen Edwards
Location: C 215 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: This session is in tribute to the many contributions to materials joining by Prof. Glen Edwards who retired recently from Colorado School of Mines

Editor:Dr. T. J. Lienert Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Session Chair:Dr. P.W. Hochanadel Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
3:00 PMImportant Lessons Learned in the Design of Consumables
3:30 PMFiller Alloy Design for Titanium Weldments
4:00 PMThe Development of a Compressive Residual Stress Around a Structural Steel Weld by Means of Phase Transformations
4:30 PMPeople at the Forks in the Road