Control of Distortion in the Induction Process

Monday, September 10, 2012: 3:30 PM
Atlantic C (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Mr. Fred Specht , Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic, Warren, OH

Consistent heating, quenching, correct frequency selection, and the influence of tooling and coil design determine repeatable distortion in the induction process. Each plays a roll in the resulting distortion. Each of these factors can help or hurt the repeatable results in different ways. Heat by its very nature causes distortion as expansion in work-piece length and diameter occurs in both the heating and quenching phases. The objective of all heat treaters is to control each of the factors during the induction process to result in consistent distortion that is predictable. This presentation will show with photos and videos unique ways that induction heat treaters use in the process design that can achieve minimal, repeatable distortion characteristics needed to make a “good” part. An understanding of incoming distortion and pre-stress that are inherently in the part prior to the heat treat process will be explained. Decades of knowledge will be reveled in this new and fast paced presentation.