Comparison of the Flow Properties of the Drayton and Tensi Quench Test System

Tuesday, September 11, 2012: 10:30 AM
Atlantic D (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Mr. Andrew L. Banka , Airflow Sciences Corporation, Livonia, MI
Dr. Scott Mackenzie , Houghton International Inc., Valley Forge, PA
The quench path of a polymer quenchant is strongly dependent on agitation, concentration, temperature, and age – all of these factors can contribute to variability of results. In order to ensure consistent quenching of production parts, the state of the quench liquid must be periodically checked. Determining the cooling characteristics of agitated aqueous quenchants is governed by two standards: ASTM D6549 for the Drayton test unit, and ASTM D6482-06 for the Tensi unit.

The designs of the two test systems are quite different, and it is not clear that they provide the same assessment of quenchant properties. As a comparison of these two units, CFD simulations were performed of both units at their nominal operating conditions. Cooling curves were also obtained for the same sample of quenchant with these two units, and the results are compared to the CFD results.