Numerical Optimization of Annealing Process for Cold-Rolled Strip Steel

Wednesday, September 12, 2012: 4:00 PM
Atlantic C (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Dr. Imre Felde , University of Obuda, Budapest, Hungary
Simulation Of Annealing Process For Cold-Rolled Strip Steel Mucsi, András1,a, Földi, József2,b, Gallai, Imre2,c, Felde, Imre3,d, Szabados, Ottó2, e 1 Óbuda University, Bánki Donát Mechanical & Safety Engineering Department 2 ISD Dunaferr Duna Steel Works LLC 3 ÓBay Zoltán Foundation, BAYATI a, b, d, Keywords: mild steel, recrystallization, grain-coarsening, texture, AlN, r-value Abstract The optimization of the annealing process used for the alumina-killed mild steel cold-rolled sheets is outlined. A numerical model has been developed to estimate the temperature evolution and grain coarsening phenomena occuring during the annealing of cold rolled steel sheets. The input parameters required for the metallurgical model have been determined by laboratory tests, while the heat transfer characteristics of the industrial furnance were evaulated by temperature measurements and IHCP calculations. The model has been validated on industrial applications.