Using the Self-Quenching Effect At Exploitation for Design and Self-Strengthening Economical Steels and Cast Irons

Thursday, September 13, 2012: 10:30 AM
Pacific Ballroom (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Prof. Oleksandr Cheiliakh , Priazovskyi State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine
The problems of saving expensive and scarce alloying components, such as nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, cobalt, etc. when producing steels and cast irons and improving their physical-mechanical and operational properties are vital and present great interest to many countries as well.
The objective of this work is to develop the science basis of using self-quenching effect at testing and operation for design a new economical metastable functional steels, alloyed cast-irons, powder like surfacing wire and new methods of  strengthening treatments in order to increase the properties and for saving of costly and scarce alloying components.  
The self-quenching effect realizes in metastable alloys and many grade standard steels and cast irons in metastable states owing to development of deformation induced martensite ƒÁ¨ƒ¿' transformation at mechanical testing and exploitation.  
On the basis of the system researches there have been created new economical (Ni, Mo, V, Nb free) different functional metastable alloys and new strengthening treatments for enhance properties owing to self-quenching at exploitation:
- high-strength Fe-Cr-Mn steels which are able to replace expensive steels 09Cr15Ni8Al, 07Cr16Ni6, containing 6c9 % Ni;
- corrosion-resistant Fe-Cr-Mn steels, capable of replacing expensive steels type 10Cr18Ni9 and 08Cr22Ni6Mo2, containing 6c10 % Ni;
- development of the composition of new economical powder-like (nickel free) wire and investigation of welding and surfacing characteristics for electrode-arc surfacing, the structure and mechanical properties of deposited metastable metal, capable of self-strengthening during the process of wearing. New surfacing material seems to be promising for substitution of expensive and scarce analogues contained 9-11 % Ni.