Estimation of Heat Flux Obtained During Immersion Quenching

Tuesday, September 11, 2012: 3:30 PM
Atlantic D (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Dr. Imre Felde , University of Obuda, Budapest, Hungary
Estimation of heat flux obtained during immersion quenching Imre Felde1, Tamás Réti2, G. E. Totten3 1 University of Óbuda, Hungary 2Széchenyi University, Hungary 3 Oregon State University, USA The determination of heat flux as a function of surface temperature obtained during quenching of steels is required to characterize precisely the heat transfer phenomena. In this work inverse methods based on gradient optimization techniques and genetic algorithms used for the esimation of heat flux are evaluated. The comparision study of the techinques applied are based on computational results performed by heat treatment simulations.