New VDI guideline 2248 - an overview

Tuesday, May 14, 2019: 10:30 AM
K2 (Bodenseeforum Konstanz)
Dr. Andrea Boehm , Fraunhofer IWU, Dresden, Germany
The SMA network is a platform for companies currently working with shape memory alloys or simply those interested in this exciting field of technology in Germany. The main goal is to establish SMAs and their advantages in new markets as “multi-functional material” through innovative processes, actuator products and services. On the basis of an expert forum held in Dresden in 2012, the SMA network together with the VDI Product Development and Mechatronics department initiated the "Shape Memory Technology" technical committee with the aim of providing this promising technology with a solid basis for greater application readiness in industry through standardization through VDI guidelines. The guideline VDI 2248 part 1 - 5 serves the material and functional design of technical solutions with shape memory alloys. Following parts of the shape memory technology were investigated: - Terminology clarification - creating a uniform terminology - Material overview - configure materials correctly - Testing and measuring - Method selection and description - Simulation models - Model development and description - Product design with SMA - rules and examples for the development of actuators. With their special properties, SMA open up a large scope for innovation for all branches of industry. The present guideline VDI 2248 serves in particular to present basic principles and already implemented applications as well as to create a uniform terminology in the entire field of shape memory technology. An overview about the new VDI guideline 2248 will be given.  
See more of: Standards Development
See more of: Technical Program