(V) Additive Manufacturing Enabling Elastocaloric Materials with Fatigue-Resistance and High-performance

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 4:15 PM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Prof. Huilong Hou , Beihang University, Beijing, China, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Dr. Emrah Simsek , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA
Dr. Tao Ma , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA
Mr. Nathan S. Johnson , Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Dr. Suxin Qian , Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
Dr. Cheikh Cissé , Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Mr. Drew Stasak , University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Ms. Naila Al Hasan , University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Dr. Lin Zhou , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA
Prof. Yunho Hwang , University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Prof. Reinhard Radermacher , University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Prof. Valery I. Levitas , Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Dr. Matthew J. Kramer , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA
Prof. Mohsen Asle Zaeem , Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Prof. Aaron Stebner , Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Dr. Ryan T. Ott , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA
Prof. Jun Cui , Ames Laboratory, AMES, IA, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Prof. Ichiro Takeuchi , University of Maryland, College Park, MD, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Elastocaloric cooling, which exploits superelastic transitions of shape memory alloys to pump heat, has recently emerged as a frontrunner in alternative cooling technologies. Despite its intrinsic high efficiency, elastocaloric materials exhibit hysteresis associated with input work, a common attribute of caloric cooling materials. Here, we employ additive manufacturing to design highly-reversible superelastic transition pathways at a microscopic level in elastocaloric Ni–Ti. Through rapid cooling and high-precision compositional tuning, we fabricate Ni–Ti-based nanocomposites with unique curved nano-interfaces, which give rise to quasi-linear stress-strain behaviors with unusually narrow hysteresis, resulting in enhancement in the materials coefficient of performance by a factor of four to seven. Our nanocomposite NiTi is stable over 1 million cycles of superelastic transitions, opening the door for their direct implementation in cooling devices where additive manufacturing now provides much-needed geometrical design flexibility in elastocaloric system components which serve as both refrigerants and heat exchangers. We propose a functional fatigue model to capture the degradation behaviors of elastocaloric materials using a dissipation percentage of input work and extend to magnetocaloric, electrocaloric, and barocaloric materials. We will show the establishment of its applicability as a universal rule to predict the functional fatigue life of all caloric materials.