3D Printing Nitinol: The Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday, May 18, 2022: 8:10 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Prof. Aaron Stebner , Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
More than a decade of global research and development efforts have gone into enabling 3D printing technologies for Nitinol and other shape memory alloys, with a big uptick in these efforts occurring around 2014. This seminar will review the current state of the art, including open challenges that still need to be met to enable commercial successes. Specifically, paths toward commercialization of both wire and powder based additive manufacturing of NiTi-based shape memory alloys will be reviewed, with the pros and cons of each path comparatively summarized. Challenges ranging from feedstock production, 3D printer process parameter development, Nitinol and NiTi-based SMA metallurgy, and part geometries will be discussed. The seminar will conclude with “case studies” that motivate a shift in thought away from asking the question “Can I make my existing Nitinol device by 3D printing?” toward “What new innovations does 3D printing of shape memory alloys enable me to imagine and realize?”