Advanced Additive Manufacturing Solutions for the Medical Device Industry – 3D printing with Nitinol and PowderLife cycle management

Wednesday, May 18, 2022: 11:45 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Dr. Gaurav Lalwani , Carpenter Technology Corporation, Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Hongtao Wang , Carpenter Technology Corporation, Philadelphia, PA
Alina Kirillova , Duke University, Durham, NC
Cambre Kelly , Restor3D, Durham, NC
Alaa Elwany , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Dr. Ibrahim Karaman , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Dr. Kenneth Gall , Duke University, Durham, NC, Restor3D, Durham, NC
Additive manufacturing (AM) has gained rapid adoption in the medical device industry due to inherent advantages associated with the ease of fabrication of complex implant geometries and features not possible using traditional subtractive manufacturing. It has been widely recognized that 3D printing Nitinol – a key medical alloy- with effective translation of shape memory and super elasticity properties is a challenge. In this presentation, we will showcase the recent developments in Nitinol 3D printing with a focus on powder atomization, parameter development, and printing with an aim to achieve effective and reproducible translation of shape memory and Superelastic properties. In the end, we are going to demonstrate PowderLife – our end-to-end AM solution of powder inventory and reuse genealogy management to effectively provide validation and traceability information.
See more of: Advanced manufacturing II
See more of: Technical Program