Advanced manufacturing I

Wednesday, May 18, 2022: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Prof. Eckhard Quandt, Kiel University and Prof. Aaron Stebner, Georgia Institute of Technology
9:00 AM
Enabling High Power Additively Manufactured SMA Actuators with Internal Liquid Metal Channels
Mr. Jacob L. Mingear, Texas A&M University; Mr. Brady K. Allen, Texas A&M University; Ms. Jessica J. Zamarripa, Texas A&M University; Dr. Darren J. Hartl, Texas A&M University
9:30 AM
Transmission electron microscopy analysis of melt pool and cellular dendritic boundaries of laser processed Ti-Nb SMA
Mr. Wenhao Lin, University of Virginia; Dr. Helge Heinrich, University of Virginia; Dr. Ji Ma, University of Virginia
9:45 AM
How do advanced micromachining technologies affect the performance of nitinol medical devices?
Mr. Lucas Bittigkoffer, ADMEDES GmbH; Mr. Martin Baumann, ADMEDES GmbH; Dr. Nils-Agne Feth, ADMEDES GmbH
See more of: Technical Program